Obtaining a Medical Practice Licence in Canada

Canada is a sizable country that is composed of 10 provinces and three territories. Each province has a certain autonomy and responsibility for social programs including health care and education, yet all abide by federal and national rules and regulations as well. This is also the case for obtaining a medical licence to practice anywhere in Canada. 

All doctors, both Canadian and Internationally trained, must follow steps in order to obtain a medical practice licence in the province they choose to practice in by adhering to both national and provincial regulations and requirements.

The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) and The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) are the national organisations that establish the standards for and accredit postgraduate family medicine training and specialist postgraduate residency training respectively.

Each province and territory then has a medical regulatory authority that is responsible for setting the licensing criteria for that specific province. 

These are the organisations you may want to become familiar with if you are interested in obtaining a licence to practice medicine anywhere in Canada.

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Virtual Interview Preparation Tips for Physicians

International physicians applying for roles in Canada can always typically expect to attend at least an initial phone interview. Due to the pandemic, we have now seen a significant increase in virtual interviews for both national and international candidates, residents, and even medical school applicants. 

Most healthcare facilities now conduct all initial and even second interviews virtually or over the phone. With the exception of international jobs, face-to-face interviews have always been the “next step”, and not being able to do this has left employers needing to get to know you in a compressed amount of time. Selecting a physician candidate who meets all the clinical skill requirements and is a good culture fit for the facility and the community has the added challenge of potentially never shaking hands or meeting face to face before a hire. 

The good news is that this is a new and evolving experience for all involved. However, physicians should do their best to prepare themselves, their environment, and their devices for a successful meeting with their prospective employer, and attend the interview as professionally as possible. 

Prepare Ahead to Ace your Interview

The team here at Physicians for You will always help you with pre-interview questions to help guide the flow of the interview, and also to prepare you for some typical questions you will get asked. It is a good idea to rehearse answers to questions you’ll likely get. Preparing your answers in advance to the most commonly asked questions can help you come across confident and stand out from other physicians pursuing the same position. 

Questions such as “ Tell me about yourself” can catch you off guard if you are not prepared to speak freely about yourself. With this type of question, a three prong answer is helpful – brief training and experience overview, recognised achievements if applicable, and something more personal, like your specific goals or aspirations. 

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MCCQE Part II Exam Ceases & LMCC Developments

Covid 19 has had an effect on all aspects of medical practice in Canada, including the ultimate termination of a required Canadian medical licencing exam. Challenges facing the delivery of the exam began the previous year due to the pandemic, but have ultimately resulted in a re-assessment of the necessity of the exam, licencing policies, and processes.

The Transition

The month of June saw The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) officially cease delivery of the Medical Council of Canada Part II Examination. In the month prior, the MCC attempted a virtual delivery of the Exam; the challenges of that led to the suspension and subsequent ceasing of the exam entirely.

MCCQE Part II Exam No Longer A Requisite

Physicians no longer require the MCCQE Part II Exam as part of their requisite to obtaining an independent medical licence in Canada. Physicians will still need to be granted the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC), with revised criteria outlined in this statement. According to the MCC, it will seek to collaborate with the Canadian Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate Medical Education offices to confirm that candidates meet the required post-graduate clinical training months.

Last week, on July 15, 2021, the MCC  announced the launch of a new business service dedicated to awarding the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC) as a stand-alone process. This will be realised in a two phase process, allowing those who were already registered for the exam to apply for the award, followed by phase two, which will allow all other eligible candidates who meet the new outlined criteria to apply.

Each provincial Medical Regulatory Authority (MRA) is anticipated to revise their licencing policies in response, and to effect the smooth transition eligible candidates. This is a current and ongoing process, and as the roll-out of the MCC’s new business service unfolds, we will continue to provide updates.

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Physician Recruiter in Canada Helping Doctors Find Jobs - Press Release

Offering tailored recruitment services, Physicians For You is catering to the healthcare industry’s staffing needs, featuring opportunities for both Canadian and international family physicians and specialists. The recruitment process is complemented with expert support, advice, and guidance that is available every step of the way.

Physician For You is one of the most well-known Physician recruiter firms in Canada, offering talent acquisition services to healthcare facilities and job search resources and assistance for doctors. Physicians are provided with full-service recruitment as well as placement services. The recruitment agency helps international medical graduate doctors find jobs in Canada and prepares them with how to go about obtaining a licence in their province of interest. Physicians for You helps with interview preparation and arranging site visits to match them to the right medical facility. Matches are always made organically, where both the physician candidate and the medical facility see it as a good fit.

For available Physician jobs or Doctor jobs across Canada, visit https://www.physiciansforyou.com/search-jobs.html

Canada’s health practitioner licencing system is not standardized across the country. That’s where Physicians for You’s expertise comes in. They provide doctors with step-by-step guidance on how and when to apply to the various regulatory medical colleges and licencing authorities, what to do before and after applying for assessments, and at the later stages, when to apply for a work permit. IMG candidates looking for roles in Canada are provided with complete guidance that makes the job search and licencing process a less daunting experience. Physicians For You has helped many Doctors from the USA, the UK, Australia, New Zealand & South Africa to find jobs across Canada. They work with family physicians and specialists who are either already fully licenced in Canada or are CCFP or RCPSC eligible meaning their training is considered on par with Canadian training.

Physician roles are available in rural communities, towns, and cities, and their job board helps job seekers look for career pursuits that match their lifestyle and interests. They have job opportunities in family practice and walk-in clinics, multidisciplinary medical facilities, specialty practice settings, community health centers, and hospitals. Technology is also changing the healthcare landscape, and virtual care is now an integral component of services provided in medical facilities across the country.

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MCCQE Part II Exam Now Offered Virtually!

Fantastic news!

The Medical Council of Canada is changing to a virtual exam delivery for the MCCQE Part II, to begin in May 2021. The MCC plans to offer the exam over 20 days including weekdays and weekends in May and June 2021.

At this time, they will not be accepting new applications for the May/June 2021 session of the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part II. Priority will be given to those who were not able to write their exam due to the postponed exams in May and October 2020 and February 2021 since many now have a provisional, temporary or restricted license. They will also prioritize access to those further along in their training, including those who have completed all requirements for licensure except for being awarded the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC), which requires a pass result for the MCCQE Part II.

According to the MCC, only when the delayed candidates have been processed will new registrations be accepted in future sessions.

It is important for new applicants to get in line as soon as possible, so that your application will be in the queue for future sessions. notified when pre-application to a future session opens

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Dr. Ann Collins – President of the Canadian Medical Association

The Canadian Medical Association has a wonderful series called Physician Changemakers, which features physicians around Canada, and highlights their unique story. This feature is all about Dr. Ann Collins, who has recently taken on the presidency of the CMA after serving on the board of directors for seven years.

Follow her story in the article here as Dr. Collins weaves through her life, from mere thoughts about working in the field of medicine to taking on many different roles including part-time hospital emergency department work, running her own family practice, and medical director of a local nursing home.

Taking on this role during an unprecedented time with the pandemic has also presented its challenges, where virtual care is becoming the norm, and both doctors and patients have had to grapple with a lot of changes, at a very fast pace.

Physicians for You is proud to share the story of this successful Canadian physician who has deep roots in her community of Fredericton, New Brunswick, and is dedicating her wealth of experience to the Canadian Medical Association. Thank you Dr. Collins!

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Canada Ranks #1 for Quality of Life Again!

Canada View

Canada has ranked #1 in the world for quality of life for the 4th year in a row and we cannot be more proud. 
Countries were ranked on nine metrics: affordable, a good job market, economically stable, family friendly, income equality, politically stable, safe, well-developed public education system and well-developed public health system.

Check out the full article from the Vancouver is Awesome for full details.

Interested to learn how you can make Canada your home?
Physicians for You is here to help you with all your doctor specific licence, registration and recruitment needs. 

We have physician jobs across this beautiful country. Contact us today! 

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Searching for the Best Healthcare Jobs in Canada?

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Always loved the idea of living and working in Canada?

One of the great things about being a qualified Physician is your services are in-demand all over the world. That’s never been truer than in the current climate.

Physicians for You has been continuing to operate during this time to help people find healthcare jobs in Canada.

Whether you’re interested in relocating from the USA, the UK, Ireland or Australia, we’ve helped people from all over the world to find their dream job in Canada.

A leading medical recruitment company, our team is committed to building strong relationships with clinics, hospitals, health authorities, and medical colleges across the country.

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Are you a skilled physician who’s interested in working overseas?


If you’re looking for positions in Canada, Physicians for You can provide expert guidance, advice and support throughout the entire recruitment process.

Our recruitment company help individuals relocate to Canada and work in a setting of their choice, in a role which reflects their skills and experience. If you’re looking to work overseas, there are many reasons to choose Canada, whether you’re relocating from the USA, the UK, New Zealand or Ireland. 

For instance, Canada is 23% cheaper than the USA, with transportation, housing and restaurants in particular much more affordable. It is also more affordable in many respects than the UK, and even though it’s much larger than Britain, the population in Canada is actually smaller.

Canada is therefore ideal for anybody looking to move to a country which offers more space and is more affordable.

Our hard-working team want to make overseas medical recruitment easier and more straight-forward. We work closely with clients to help them find their dream position in Canada.

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Searching for a Medical Recruitment Agency for Canada?

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Canada’s leading medical recruitment agencies, Physicians for You can provide expert guidance, advice and support throughout the entire recruitment process.

Over the past decade, Physicians for You have worked with clinics, hospitals, health authorities, and medical colleges to make the recruitment process smoother and easier.

Whether you’re a skilled Physician looking for work in Canada or run a medical facility that requires medical professionals as soon as possible, our recruitment agency has extensive knowledge of the processes and how to make it easier.

Our friendly, knowledgeable team offer step-by-step guidance for both our clients and physicians.

Candidates include Family Physicians with postgraduate training from Australia, Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom and the USA. We are also looking for specialists with postgraduate training from Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Kingdom and the USA.

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Physicians for You - Searching for Specialists in Physician Recruitment in Canada?


The world is going through unprecedented challenges due to the Coronavirus pandemic, putting pressure on the healthcare system like never before.

Here at Physicians for You, we want to reassure our valued physicians and clients that we are continuing to operate throughout this time. Whether you’re a new or existing client, we are still working hard to meet your requirements.

We remain ready to respond to meet the needs of our Canadian medical community, no matter how the situation develops in the future.

Our team expert guidance, advice and support throughout the entire recruitment process. We can also offer information on the benefits of working in Canada for physicians compared to other countries like the USA and UK. It’s extremely easy for physicians to check their eligibility on our website.

Whether you’re qualified in anesthesiology, dermatology, diagnostic radiology or emergency medicine, Physicians for You can help you take the next step in your career. No matter if you’re newly qualified or have many years of experience, our recruitment specialists can help you find your dream position overseas.

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Physicians for You - Searching for Specialists in Overseas Medical Recruitment?

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One of the advantages of being a qualified medical professional is your skills are in demand all over the world. That’s never been truer than at the present moment, with many countries struggling to support patients during the Coronavirus pandemic and searching for extra help.

If you love the idea of working in Canada, there are plenty of opportunities to do so, but it’s not always easy to navigate the process.

If you’re looking for a supportive medical recruitment agency to help you find work in Canada, simply register with Physicians for You. We specialise in medical recruitment in Canada and can help you find new opportunities in these challenging times.

There are many reasons to choose to work in Canada, especially in comparison to other countries, which you can explore on our website. Whether you’re thinking of leaving the UK or the USA, we can help you discover the benefits of moving to Canada.

Our team is continuing to operate during this time although many processes will, unfortunately, be delayed. We’ve been rated ‘excellent’ but our previous clients and pride ourselves on a first-class service every step of the process.

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Permanent and locum Jobs in Canada


In the wake of the Coronavirus crisis, the world has never been more in need of medical professionals and medical staff, with everybody finally waking up to what heroes those working in this industry are.

If you are a physician and are looking for a  permanent job in Canada, Physicians for You could be your ideal recruitment agency.

Canada is renowned for having an excellent healthcare system and it’s arguably one of the best in the world. In terms of the country’s principles, there are five conditions listed in the Canada Health Act: public administration, accessibility, comprehensiveness, universality and portability.

As medical recruitment specialists, Physicians for You can help you find permanent and locum jobs in Canada.

This country is a fantastic place to live and work and with Physicians for You you can easily find the best jobs for your unique skills and career goals.

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Physicians for You - Foreign Physician Recruitment

Are you overseas and looking to make your mark on the medical industry in Canada? We at Physicians for You are Canada’s leading medical recruitment company. We have a large network of medical facilities including that of hospitals, health authorities and medical clinics all around Canada.

What you can expect from Physicians for You, is a service dedicated to getting you the work you’re looking for. Our team make sure they are available to you 24/7, always respecting yourself and your schedule. With quick response times and a history of success, you can rest assured knowing you’re getting the very best treatment with Physicians for You.

We have a wide database of roles available, being constantly updated. If you’re looking for work, simply visit our site and begin looking at the roles that you feel are suitable for you. Whether that’s cardiology in Toronto, or working in a community health centre in Ontario, whatever you desire, you’ll be able to find the spot in Canada looking for you, with Physicians for You.

Get started today, give our team at Physicians for You a ring on the number: +1 778 475 7995. If you’ve got any questions regarding recruiting or being recruited, feel free to fill out the provided contact form available on our website and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Get started with the beautiful country of Canada and one of the most respected healthcare systems in the world, with Physicians for You.

BC Air Ambulance Pilot – An interview with Ian Jones

Ian Jones in HelicopterEdited

We recently caught up with our friend Ian Jones, who gave us some insight on what led him to a career as a BC Air Ambulance Pilot and some of the things we might like to know about the job. Him and his team provide an incredible service that enhances our healthcare in Canada, and we thank them!

What company do you provide services for?

I provide services for Helijet International. It is a helicopter airline and charter service based in Vancouver, British Columbia that has been contracted to provide helicopter transport for the British Columbia Air Ambulance Service using air medical equipped helicopters.

What is your Title?

My title is Training Captain.

What type of aircraft do you fly?

Sikorsky 76A, 76C+ and 76C++

How long have you been a pilot?

I have been a pilot for 28 years.

You are originally from Wales, correct? How did you end up coming to Canada?

Yes, I'm from Wales and my wife is from Germany. After I retired from the Army, I had not really been back in the UK for anything but Pilot courses. We both liked Canada and so made plans to move. At the same time the Army wanted to keep me on, so I got posted to Canada as I emigrated.

What type of team do you have with you when you fly? 

The team consists of two Critical Care Paramedics, or two Infant Transfer Team (ITT) Paramedics, and sometimes a Physician or third Paramedic under training.

Does the team size depend on the emergency or is it a standard requirement?

The team size is pretty standard, maybe with or without an incubator if it is an Infant Transfer Team (ITT).

What is your designated travel zone? 

My designated travel zone is BC's Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island, up to 3 hours of flight time.

Has that always been your travel zone?

In Canada yes, this has been my travel zone. I have also flown Africa and former USSR in the offshore oil role as Medivac and transfer.

What type of medical training are you required to have?

As a pilot, I do not require medical training. 

What question(s) do you get asked the most?

The question I get asked the most is: Are you a Paramedic?

What is something that has surprised you about the job that you wouldn't have thought?

Something that surprised me was the amount of phone calls required to fly each mission.

Perks or likes of the profession?

Great flying scenery. The profession is always a mix of fun and challenging moments. 

What advice would you give to someone who wants to become an air ambulance pilot?

The best advice I can give is to fly and accumulate good hours and experience on other types first, and log as much night and instrument time as possible 

Thanks Ian! It has been great getting to know a little bit more about the work that you do. We appreciate the service you and Helijet provide.

My pleasure, thank you. I love what I do. 

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Recruitment for Hospitals


Physicians for You aim to give you the highest standard of guidance, advice, and support throughout the entire recruitment process. We are Canada’s leading medical recruitment specialists and over the last 10 years, we have developed strong relationships with clinics, hospitals, health authorities and medical authorities all around the country.

If you’re a medical facility looking for physicians to fill your ranks, we’re here for you. We utilise our extensive knowledge of the medical field to ensure the very best recruitment for hospitals in Canada. Simply let us know the role you’re looking for, and we’ll find for you the people who can fulfil all of your requirements.

We make it our goal to be professional, always. Delivering quick and accurate responses to your queries 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We make sure our service is personalized for you, allowing you to employ a physician that not only fulfils the role you’re looking for but has the correct attitude to work effectively within your team.

Find out why we’re so widely chosen to handle recruitment for hospitals.
Get started today by giving a member of our team a call on the number: +1 778 475 7995
Alternatively, fill out the provided contact form available online, with any particular questions or requests you may have for us.

Canadian Healthcare Jobs

 Are you looking to get into Canadian Physicians jobs, but don't know where to start?  Physicians for You are a company that prioritises your wants and your needs, finding suitable physician roles in Canada that match those requirements. We pride ourselves on providing excellent guidance and support throughout the recruitment pr...

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Recruitment For Hospitals

 Physicians for You specialise in helping those seeking work within the Canadian Medical Industry, as well as helping medical specialists find the right candidates for their available job roles. We work with health authorities, hospitals and private clinics all over Canada, to ensure that medical talents are being put to use. We're there for y...

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Canada Medical Recruitment

We pride ourselves on the support we give to those looking to recruit or be recruited within the medical industry across Canada. We work with all manner of practices, whether it's clinics, hospitals or Health Authorities. Getting the job done as one of the most competitive and effective Canadian Medical Recruitment agencies. Our work with these cli...

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Medical Recruitment Agency

At Physicians for You, we offer dedication unlike any other, our driven team are experts in their field, having accumulated experience in medical fields across Canada for many years, we have the knowledge and understanding to help you get your career moving. We utilise the relationships we have built over the past 10 years with clinics, surgeries, ...

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