Canada HealthCare Blog

Practicing Medicine in Canada - Making the Right Choice for You

Canada is ranked as one of the best countries in the world for its high quality of living. The factors are based on housing, educational opportunities, a funded healthcare system, and attractive earning potential. These factors make Canada a desirable country to practice medicine, and each year many doctors choose to relocate to Canada. Making this decision requires planning and an understanding of the processes involved.

With the shortage in doctors globally, many government and health authorities in Canada are actively recruiting overseas doctors to fill the gaps and focusing on ways to make jobs more attractive. Some provinces are offering incentives and support programs as a way of drawing doctors from other countries to Canada. These options may not be available across Canada and may only apply to certain provinces and may not be available with every job opportunity. It is important to understand the options available to you in the areas you are considering. Even though Canada has a universal healthcare system, each province has its own requirements and rules on how to register as a doctor and the clinical skills and experiences needed to fulfil these roles.

There are many opportunities for doctors and their specialties across Canada and finding the right job that fits your preferences and skills can be daunting and overwhelming. It is helpful for doctors to have someone experienced in this area to provide guidance and support when making the right decision for their professional and personal growth. Even with the high demand for doctors who are eligible to work and live here, immigration and finding physician employment can still be a lengthy process. It requires time, patience, consistency, resilience, commitment, and research.

Physicians For You understands the importance of finding a good match for you and informing you of the processes ahead of time. We are familiar with the physician market and know the areas in demand of your skills. We have the knowledge of the most updated licensing and regulation processes which makes the experience and planning smoother and more efficient. The licensing process can take time and it is important to start planning early and ask yourself if moving to Canada is right for you, why you want to practice medicine in Canada, what can Canada offer you, what can you offer Canada, and what province appeals to you and why.

Why do you want to move to Canada and practice medicine?

Canada is a vast country offering new exciting challenges and a better work-life balance for doctors. There are benefits for practicing medicine in Canada, it has a diverse patient population, it is a publicly funded healthcare system offering a fee-for-service as well as other compensation models that work in the doctors favour when it comes to being paid, there are many opportunities for professional growth and development, it offers higher earning potential, and some jobs can come with benefits and incentives. This varies across provinces and is based on factors such as the healthcare funding in the province, demands for clinical services and cost of living in the area.

There are international medical graduate roles in clinics, hospitals, community health centres and other healthcare settings. Specialists often have opportunities to work in hospitals, and specialized clinics and a GP can work in primary care centres, walk-in clinics or establish their own practice. Canada can provide a diverse range of lifestyles from metropolitan, suburban and rural living. The Canadian culture is built on diversity, respect and multiculturism; more than 20% of Canadians are immigrants that chose to settle here for better quality of life.

What can Canada offer me a as Physician?

Doctors are highly regarded in Canada and the physician job market is steady and reliable with a wide variety of opportunities across the provinces in many healthcare settings with attractive earning potential. The healthcare system in Canada is promoting work life balance with doctors working an average of 35-40 hours a week, depending on their specialty and location. The healthcare industry is looking at initiatives that focus on the wellness of the doctors and help prevent burnout with support programs and flexible scheduling. Some provinces have introduced pilot programs to cut down on administrative paperwork for the doctors, freeing them up to have more time with patients. Recent research by the Canadian Medical Journal stated that "doctors in Canada are working fewer hours than they did in prior decades, largely due to doctors prioritizing a better work-life balance."

What can you offer Canada?

It is not just about having the right skills, experience and credentials that makes you attractive to Canadian healthcare employers there are other factors to consider as well. The employer is investing in international doctors, and they want to make sure they are finding the right fit for their setting. They are looking for qualities that stand out. Teamwork, mutual respect and understanding between co-workers is extremely important and individuals who like sharing ideas and responsibilities are all considered key to progress and innovation.
According to medical leaders, "The way doctors treat their peers is an important as their clinical skills."

Where in Canada will I go?

It is essential when making plans to look at both your personal preferences as well as the needs in the area for your skills and training. Looking at the job opportunities in the different provinces gives you a sense of how the salary might change, what is included and if you have the skills and experience to meet the needs of that province. Although Canada has a publicly funded healthcare system, each province has its own rules and regulations regarding how they regulate and pay their doctors. Doing some additional research into their compensation models, the cost of living and real estate prices will give you an even clearer picture of your earnings.

Wherever you go there is a steady demand for doctors across provinces such as Alberta, Ontario, and BC. Although there are plenty of opportunities in larger cities and metropolitan areas like Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary to name a few, the need is greater for doctors in outer metropolitan, remote and rural areas. For those willing to look for jobs outside of larger cities, there are advantages to rural opportunities, working in smaller towns or the east coast such as Nova Scotia, doctors could potentially earn a more attractive income, incentives, benefits such as relocation bonuses, and make it easier to find a job.

Other physicians prefer to work in small towns or cities where they do not need to travel too far to access the great outdoors and areas that offer year-round recreational opportunities for a better work-life balance. This could be living close to the mountains or near the ocean or lakes.

Canadians are known for their politeness, friendliness and their diverse culture and customs. By attending events, and participating in activities, it helps you to build a support network with opportunities to meet and connect with people. Embracing the Canadian values, ways and culture will help with a smooth transition into your new community where you will soon feel right at home.

This is a new country and with it will come new learning experiences, it is all about being open-minded and embracing the challenges and opportunities that come your way. Respect your new environment, be ready to learn from those who know how the healthcare system and living in Canada works. It is important to do your research and look at all the factors including your own understanding of the location, workload, availability of support, your personal well-being while managing work hours and on-call responsibilities. This will help you to find the right fit for your style of practice, allowing you to make informed decisions. Having professional support from our team at Physicians for You can help you throughout the process from start to finish.

A recent CMA (Canadian Medical Association) report says that 74% of Canadian doctors are satisfied with their current professional life and over half are satisfied with their current work life balance.

According to the British Medical Journal, the best candidates are the ones who are motivated and in it for the long haul, because moving to Canada as a doctor can take plenty of time and commitment.

Canada is a desirable location with a higher earning potential, greater professional and personal opportunities and an amazingly comfortable and satisfying lifestyle. Once you have worked out the factors and the opportunities available, moving to Canada might just be the right choice for you!

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